Building apps, pushing code, shaping ideas.
I’m Larry, a full-stack developer from Houston, TX, driven by a passion for learning and tackling new challenges. Whether it’s building scalable apps or diving into videography, I love pushing the limits of creativity. One day, I aim to turn my personal projects into something bigger, blending tech and entrepreneurship.
A web app that lets users upload syllabi and generates a unified schedule of lectures, assignments, and exams. Built with Tailwind, React, and NestJS, it uses GPT to extract key details and outputs a chronological PDF.
A mobile app that generates creative pickup lines based on user input. Built with Tailwind, React Native, and NestJS, it delivers fun and personalized experiences using the OpenAI API.
IceBreak iOS
- Company
- Cigna
- Role
- Frontend Engineer
- Date
- Company
- ModelOp
- Role
- Frontend Engineer
- Date
- Company
- Spark Energy
- Role
- C# Developer
- Date
- Company
- Gexa Energy
- Role
- Full Stack Developer
- Date